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December 2024

Notice Regarding Corporate Transparency Act:

Due to a recent Federal Court Decision, Texas Top Cop Shop Inc. At. Al. V. Garland No 4-24-cv-00478, where the Court granted a nationwide preliminary injunction regarding the Corporate Transparency Act, issued an Alert Notice stating it would comply with the Court’s Order and that reporting companies are not currently required to file Beneficial Ownership Information with FinCEN (for now). Reporting companies may continue to do so voluntarily. For more information regarding this Alert Notice, please visit FinCEN’s information page directly HERE

July 2024

Notice Regarding Corporate Transparency Act:

On January 1, 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act went into effect.  This law requires most small business owners to file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR) with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN). 

If your business entity was created prior to January 1, 2024 your deadline to file this report is no later than January 1, 2025. 


If your business entity was created or reorganized on or after January 1, 2024 your deadline to file this report is no later than 90 days after your business was created/registered.


You can click HERE to be directed to the BOIR filing page to complete your filing today. 

If you have questions about filing your BOIR, we encourage you to visit FINCEN’s FAQ page
We provide this information as a notice to our clients, this is not legal advice.  If you have any questions about this new law or this filing requirement please feel free to contact our office.

October 2023

Elder Law and Special Needs Blog

Attorney Falkowski wrote a blog entitled “This Is How Clients Wreck Their Estate Plans - What Can Attorneys Do About It”?    The blog was about the increasing number of clients he sees who may unknowingly set up their accounts to pass non-probate by POD and TOD designation, without realizing that these designated accounts will no longer pass to or be controlled by the clients Will or Revocable Trust.   Attorney Falkowski’s blog was selected for feature article republication in the WisBar Inside Track. 

July/August 2023

KML Foundation Table Talk (VLOG/Podcast)

Attorney Falkowski will be a guest speaker where he will discuss Powers of Attorney with the host, Mr. Paul Snamiska.


You can view the Vlog video HERE.  

April 2023

Client Alert

With the construction of West Bend’s downtown Main Street, we understand it may be difficult for some clients to find parking and to access our law firm from the 120 North Main Street “front entrance”.  It is our understanding that there will still be sidewalk access for some time, however, if you are dependent on ramps or elevator access, attending appointments using the front door access may be more difficult at this time. We have also been notified that the Centrum Building's Elevator will be out of service from May 22, 2023 - approximately June 23, 2023 to accommodate an elevator upgrade. 


For your information, there is also a “back entrance” to our building on 6th Avenue, but unfortunately this entrance has steps and no direct access to the elevator in the building.  If this is inconvenient or going to be a problem for your upcoming appointment, please call (or email) our office in advance and we can either reschedule your appointment for after the downtown construction is completed (end of October 2023) or we can make other arrangements to have a phone conference, an online meeting, or to accommodate your visit to our law firm in some other way.  Thank you for your understanding. 

April 2023

KML Foundation Table Talk (VLOG/Podcast)

Attorney Falkowski will be a guest speaker where he will discuss TODs (transfer on death designations) and PODs (payable on death designations) with the host, Mr. Paul Snamiska.


You can view the Vlog video HERE


Real Estate Documents For Paralegals

Attorney Falkowski presented on this topic at the Wisconsin Chapter of National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (WI NAELA) Paralegal Society Lunch N Learn event. 


State Bar of Wisconsin

After ending his term as Past Chair of the Board, Attorney Falkowski was elected to serve as an Advisor to the State Bar of Wisconsin, Elder Law and Special Needs Section Board through 07/31/2024. 


Probate For Paralegals

Attorney Falkowski and Paralegal, Joan Oelhafen, presented on this topic at the Wisconsin Chapter of National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (WI NAELA) Paralegal Society Lunch N Learn event. 


Legal Issues of the Aging

Attorney Falkowski served as program Chair for the Legal Issues of the Aging 2020 Seminar. The seminar was held remotely due to the Covid Pandemic, but was very well attended and a great success. 


State Bar of Wisconsin

Attorney Falkowski began his term as Chair of the State Bar of Wisconsin Elder Law and Special Needs Section. This section consists of over 700+ attorneys throughout the state of Wisconsin who focus their practices in the areas of Estate Planning, Elder Law, and Special Needs Planning. It is a true honor to be elected to serve in this role. 


Wispact Update 2020

Attorney Falkowski presented at the Wispact Update 2020. His presentation was on the various rules and requirements of paying caregivers and the various Title 19 and Tax Rules that may be involved.


“Estate Planning – Why do I need it?”

Attorney Falkowski will be presenting on “Estate Planning – Why do I need it?” at the Money Smart Week – 4th Annual Women’s Conference held at Moraine Park Technical College on March 30, 2019 at 8:55 am.


“Advance Directives: What are they? Do you have them? Do you need them?”

Attorney Falkowski presented on “Advance Directives: What are they? Do you have them? Do you need them?”  at the Cedar Lodge at Cedar Community on November 8, 2018.


"Estate Planning Tips & Techniques"

Attorney Falkowski presented on “Estate Planning Tips & Techniques” at the Prairie Auditorium for the West Bend Mutual Retirement Seminar on September 29, 2018.


Falkowski Law Firm, LLC opens its doors

Falkowski Law Firm, LLC opened its doors to the public on July 9, 2018.  After working over 20 years at Shanebrook & Falkowski Law Office, LLP in Suite 310 of the Centrum Building we decided to make the big move (down the elevator) to Suite 240.  Planning and arranging a new law office can be a daunting task, but now that the physical move is over we are all excited about our new location.  Our phone number (262) 338-1750 remains the same, but we did update our email and website.  All confidential client files originating from Shanebrook & Falkowski Law Office, LLP remain secure at Falkowski Law Firm, LLC. 


Feel free to stop in anytime to say “Hi” and check out our new location.

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